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How are students enrolled?


Admission to the charter school is open to all students who apply. If more applicants are received than there are spaces for, a lottery system will be used to fill openings.


Returning students are guaranteed slots.


The learning design matches students with the support of regular and special education teachers as well as social workers according to student need; we anticipate that students who do not need support for special needs (emotional, physical, or academic) would be less likely to optionally enroll in this program.


During our planning year, we plan on marketing to schools for students they are removing from their classrooms through repetitive suspensions or expulsions.


We are working with the court system to provide an education option for students who are in the juvenile justice system.


As we grow and develop community partnerships, we plan to focus on developing relationships with organizations that provide services to these students for purpose of collaboration and ensuring support in and out of the classroom.

Attendance Requirements


Attendance in the building is part of our hybrid model. All students will be required in the building on three days a week. For students who are not meeting their academic requirements [passing their classes and being up-to-date or “on target” in their classes] and who are missing their meeting times with their teachers will be required to participate in their courses from the physical location all five days a week.


Students who are on target with their work, passing their classes, and meeting with their teachers will be provided with greater flexibility in terms of how often they will be required to be in the building. They can opt to work from a different location on some days, but our intention is to create an environment where students who are not required to be in the building choose to come anyway as it is a safe and supported place for them to work.


Students will be provided with a bus pass in order to be able to get to campus.


Students who have a placement by the court that does not allow them to attend in the building on the days required will be afforded the option to work from their court-appointed location with supervision. This affords students who are entrenched in the juvenile justice system the ability to continue their education in a fluid manner no matter where they are located physically. Historically, this has been an issue within the juvenile system.

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